Three (3) Inch Moss Agate Gemstone Bowl.
This beautiful handmade 3 inch bowl is cut from a single piece of natural Moss Agate. It is hand carved and polished to a high gloss finish on all surfaces. Every bowl is diferent and unique, both in the cut, colour, pattern, size and design.
The bowl is only a few millimeters think and the workmanship in this bowl is fantastic!
The bowl is excellent for placement on your altar, to hold small gemstones, to work with in meditation or displayed by itself on a shelf or window sill in your home. Each bowl is 100% natural and not enhanced in any way.
About Moss Agate
Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. It refreshes the soul and helps you to see beauty in all you behold. It attracts abundance, wealth and helps to improve self-esteem.
It is said that Moss Agate:-
- helps to develops strength and the ability to get along with others
- inspires new ideals after periods of stagnation
- promotes self-expression and communication
- helps to balance the emotions and releases fear and stress
- encourages trust and hope
- eliminates depression caused by brain imbalances
- speeds up recovery from illness
*** Stock photo
*** As these items sell in my store this particular one may not be available but we will send one very similar.
Product Code: 3inchbowlmossagate