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Sunstone Egg


Product Information

Sunstone Egg.

What we have on offer for sale is Sunstone Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 44mm length, 34mm diameter and weighs 70 grams.

About Sunstone:-


Sunstone is a very powerful stone.   It is the stone of leadership and brings the leadership qualities to the person wearing it.
It is used in crystal energy work.  Sunstone helps to:-

-  Dispelling fears and phobias
-  Decrease stress and helps lift depression
-  Brings good luck and abundance
-  Turns negative energies to positive energies
-  With psychic attacks
-  Increases personal power and will as life force energy
-  Contact animal or spirit guides.

Sunstone is used in crystal healing for general health, physical energy, sexual dysfunction,  increasing sexual energy, depression, phobias and stress related illness. 


Product Code: sunstoneegg

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