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Rose Quartz Chakra Wand


Manufacturer: IKG

Product Information

Rose Quartz Chakra Wand. 
This wand measures approx. 14cms and features a Rose Quartz wand with the chakra stones running along the wand.
Crystal wands are used by healers for healing.  They come in many different shapes, sizes and in many varieties of stone as well.  Wands may be long or short and the cylinder can be smooth or faceted. They can be pointed at one end and rounded at the other, or they can be rounded on both ends or pointed at both ends.  Some wands are wider at one end and tapered at the other while others are not.
Healing wands gather and direct energy.  The elongated cylindrical shape of a wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy in a straight line and the wand's point focuses the crystal's energy so that it can be used on specific areas of the body.

Product Code: 2rosequartzwands

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