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Rainbow Moonstone Reiki Egg


Manufacturer: IKG

Product Information

What we have on offer for sale is a Rainbow Moonstone Reiki Egg with Energy Symbols Engraved in Gold.  The approx. size of this egg is 61mm in length, 46mm diameter and weighs 178 grams.
This egg has a luminous glow and will make an exceptional Sun-tool for healers and Light-workers.
The four symbols of Usui Reiki have been beautiful engraved on this sphere and then painstakingly inked with 'gold'.
Cho Ku Rei or The Power Symbol
Sei Hei Ki or The Harmony Symbol
Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or The Distance Symbol
Dai Ko Myo or The Master Symbol 
About Moonstone:-
Moonstone is a member of the Feldspar mineral group.   It is named for its blue-white sheen which is caused by lamellar structure, and it can also produce a cat's eye flash of rainbow colors. 
Moonstone is said to help one sort through their emotions and release frustration.   It enhances patience and helps one remain objective.

Product Code: rainbowmoonstonereikiegg

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