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Orthoceras Fossil Egg


Product Information

Orthoceras Fossil Egg.

What we have on offer for sale is an Orthoceras Fossil Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 63mm length, 53mm diameter and weighs 240 grams.

About OrthocerasFossils :- 

Orthoceras Fossils are said to promote pride and success in business.

Traditionally, Orthoceras Fossils have been used to assist in reducing tiredness, exhaustion, low energy, digestive disorders, unsettled stomach, dyspepsia and rheumatism.

Orthoceras Fossils simulate thymus and are related to root chakra and are said to treat skeletal system disorders particularly hand, feet and back. They use to treat atrophy.

As related to root chakra Fossils holds the energy of the Earth, it reminds people that light of day is waiting for you after dark.  It is assumed that fossils motivates the individual and help them to reborn when they chose to change and come back from depression. 


Orthoceras Fossils reinforce earth energies as well as support it helps to balance emotions, increase confidence, stimulates the mind and leads to openness and innovation. It feels grounding and helps to gather knowledge, in addition, it also empowers accomplishments.


Product Code: 1orthocerasegg240

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