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Onyx Egg


Product Information

Onyx Egg.

What we have on offer for sale is an Onyx Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 69mm length, 52mm diameter and weighs 262 grams.

About Onyx:- 

Onyx has served as a worry stone and material for rosary beads for centuries.  It is believed that it has the ability to soothe fears and worries, and have a control in stemming overwhelming emotions.  It is said that Onyx can help a person maintain a positive outlook while awaiting the result of a source of anxiety.  

Other uses for Onyx include treating glaucoma, epilepsy, hearing problems, heart troubles, ulcers and cell damage.  Onyx is also recommended for athletes to increase vigour, strength and stamina.  It also is used on the structural and epidermal systems including bones, teeth, bone marrow, aching feet, soft-tissues, fingernails, skin and hair.

Onyx is also believed to increase personal energy and aid in self-control.  It is often used to help change bad habits and offers defense against the draining of one's natural energies.


Product Code: 2onyxegg262

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