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Labradorite Egg


Manufacturer: IAE

Product Information

What we have on offer for sale is a Labradorite Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 53mm length, 40mm diameter and weighs 117 grams.
About Labradorite:-
Labradorite Crystal is a stone of magic, awakening within you mystical and magical abilities and psychic powers.
It has within it a deeply felt resonance that is very powerful, and it can be used to bring amazing changes to your life.
It vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity, so it cannot be used for ill will. This is a stone whose energy is quite visible to the user, as it just seems to work so quickly.
Wearing it just seems to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before!

Product Code: lbaradorite117egg

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