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Genuine Hand Polished Malachite Egg - 483 grams


Product Information

Genuine Hand Polished Malachite Egg - 483 grams.


This hand polished Malachite Egg has beautiful floral patterns of vibrant green colours with areas from lighter to darker green shades.  It has a beautiful balance of rough and smooth parts on the egg.


Malachite is known as the stone of transformation. It helps bring energy and focus to new growth while pruning off the brambles that are holding you back.


Whatever you're searching for - love, money, power, Malachite offers you the gift of wisdom to know the differences between abundance of the spirit and monetary wealth.


Malachite clears and activates all Chakras and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras. It is an extremely powerful and can be used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer.


This egg weighs 483 grams and is approx. 8cm long by 6.5cm wide.


Product Code: malachiteegg483

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