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Fancy Jasper Egg


Product Information

What we have on offer for sale is a Fancy Jasper Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 50mm length, 37mm diameter and weighs 103 grams.

About Fancy Jasper:-

Fancy Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation.  It is professed to enhance one's ability to relax and bring tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing and gentle endings.  As with all Jaspers it is also a good protection stone.  In mystical healing lore Jasper is said to be good for the liver, gallbladder and soothing to the stomach. 

Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing not prescription or healthcare information.  Fancy Jasper is reputed to be particularly good at bringing energies of wholeness and healing to an environment or situation.


Product Code: 1fancyjasper108

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