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Crystal Quartz Egg


Manufacturer: IAE

Product Information

What we have on offer for sale is a Crystal Quartz Egg.  The approx. size of this egg is 63mm length, 40mm diameter and weighs 139 grams.
About Crystal Quartz:-
Clear Quartz Crystals are some of the most common types of crystal on the planet.
Although they are called 'clear quartz', they range from crystal clear stone through to milky or cloudy, almost opaque crystals.
They also occur in a variety of shapes and configurations, although most of them are of a similar hexagonal structure.
The dominant mineral in this stone is silicon, and you will find them on every continent on earth.
Also known as rock crystals, they have a very strong vibration and excellent metaphysical properties, and are the easiest crystals to program, which may used for a variety of purposes.
This is why they are utilized in industry and are used to make silicon chips for computers and radio's and other man made devices.


Product Code: crystal139egg

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