Crystal Healing Tumble Stone Kit - Communication.
Each Crystal Healing Kit contains five different crystals or gemstones. The act as a source of inspiration, as a reminder of a goal or as a heartfeld gift for a loved one.
Kits can be placed under a pillow, in a pocket or a handbag or even in your bra and can be used by anyone.
Enclosed is a laminated card which explains the metaphysical properties that each stone possesses.
This Kit Contains:-
Sodalite- helps to heal breaches in communication
Lapis Lazuli- assists with throat disorders
Citrine- encourages public speaking and communication
Clear Quartz- aids communication with every dimension
Rutilated Quartz - assists in communication with high self and guides
Please Note:
This is a stock photo and the gems you receive will not be the ones pictured but you will receive the same kind of gemstones.
Pouch may be a different colour to the one pictured.